By popular demand, we are moving our Halloween Stroll to Sunday. Same time 2-4pm.
Join us along Sanchez from Day street to 24th street for Trick or Treating, a Selfie Station at the Post No Bills wall and a Costume Contest.
To enter the costume contest, post your costume on instagram and tag @slowsanchezsf in your picture before November 1st. We'll choose a winner on November 1st and get them a goody bag of Sanchez gear and treats.
Dear People,
The "Road Closed To Through Traffic" signs are not working. The people just drive right through anyway. If you say anything to them like, "Try Slow", they already feel like they're bad, so they yell, "Fuck You" back . Suggestion: replace those signs with ones that say:
TRY SLOW , sped limit: 5 MPH
Sanchez resident