Over the last couple of months I have spoken with dozens of Noe Valley neighbors and Sanchez residents. Out of that has grown a conviction that we can use Slow Sanchez to create greater connection today during a stressful time in our community today.
At the same, the success of slow streets like Sanchez can help create a new vision for a more people, child and bike-friendly San Francisco. To that end, the Friends of Slow Sanchez are planning to raise money for a set of murals that will be placed along Sanchez Street. As the mock-up below shows, each Mural would be about the length of a parklet and only two feet wide.
These murals would be placed just behind the crosswalk at Sanchez Street intersections that are currently not marked as being part of the slow street. There are seven such intersections, which are dangerous for pedestrians and frustrating for drivers.
Please take the SlowSanchez Survey here to provide feedback or contact info@slowsanchez.com